Upcoming Event:
Pet Photos With Santa!
Get ready for some holiday fun with your furry friends! The Abodwell Team is thrilled to invite you to our Pet Photos with Santa event, now on TWO days and at TWO locations!
📅 Saturday, December 7th 🕚 11am – 1pm📍 Schill Insurance – Delta, 6435 120 Street
📅 Sunday, December 8th 🕚 11am – 1pm 📍 Schill Insurance – Ocean Park, 1597B 128 Street
Join us for a chance to get adorable holiday photos of your pets, while also supporting the SPCA with all proceeds going to this amazing cause. Photos will be sent to you digitally, so you can treasure the memories forever!
We can’t wait to see you and your pets!
A Note From Leah
Together we can make “home” happen.
In a time of great change, we only can affect that which we can control. Control in a real estate transaction will always involve the ability to strategize, to execute and then to respond to the things that won’t be controlled. Every person is motivated by the experiences and the advice that they receive from their trusted advisors. When we are selling or buying – no matter how well we strategize and execute – we will always be faced with other humans whose motivation and needs are different than ours.
As your agent, I take my experience (not in years, but in transaction volume) and give you options about what you can control. That is really what you are paying for: the experience that you don’t have. As your consultant, I can help you execute on YOUR motivations and YOUR expectations to get you the outcome that YOU want. This isn’t my deal. This isn’t my home. This isn’t my money. It’s yours. I am here to assist you.
We have more and more change on the disconnect between government and builders, homeowners and renters, the CRA and the BC government, the US election and economic stimuli. What we don’t control and can’t control must be accepted. The number one phrase in real estate (maybe life?) is “It is what it is.” I can help you manage and control what might seem uncontrollable.
Let our team help you execute on your new future. Call today for a no cost, no obligation consultation… Really, truly. At the rate of commissions you DESERVE a second opinion. Don’t use us, no problem. There are lots of good Realtors in our neighbourhood. I’m not ice cream. I’m not for everyone. However, I will tell you the truth and you get to decide whether you like it or not. Call and get prepared. Let’s strategize for your future about what we control.

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