Host your garage sale in your driveway! We’ll map it out and shout out all participating homes for free, bringing a bustling crowd to you! Team up with your neighbours, score awesome bargains, and spruce up your space – it’s a win-win event for everyone!
June 1, 2024 Boundary Park | 9am – 1pm
June 15, 2024 Sunshine Hills | 9am – 1pm | sign up cutoff Saturday, June 8th
For full details follow us on Instagram and Facebook @LeahBachRealtor
Maps will be posted closer to the date on our website – abodwell.ca/events
A note from Leah
Happy June!
So much kerfuffle in the market these days … so, to answer your question of “how’s the market,” this month’s answer is … it depends.
Last month, we saw a trickle of changes in the quality and quantity of multiple offers. Unless a property was priced around 10% or more below its TRUE value, multiple offers have all but dried up. One-bedroom apartments (#crickets)… sub-1 million townhouses (#poppin). The reality is that each property category, in each neighbourhood, in different conditions, with differing needs of the seller, and differing affordability and motivation for the Buyer, all results in different outcomes and timeframes for a successful sale.
The evaluation we provide is a series of choices you must make based on the likelihood of you selling in the timeframe you want, balanced with what is a likely price someone is willing to pay based on hundreds of variables. I want to ensure that you leave ZERO money on the table with a plan structured just for you.
You are the client, I am the consultant. When you tell me what is important, I will help you navigate a complex process with custody and control. I’ll remind you of what you want and when it feels overwhelming (and it does), I will help you make choices based on a balance of risk.
You drive and I’ll navigate. Have a great month, let me know when you’re picking me up.

See what we've been up to!