Upcoming Event:
Terry Fox Run – Sun, Sep 15, 2024
Registration: 9:00am
Start Time: 10:00am
Start to Close Time: 10:00am -12:00pm
Location: Sungod Arena – 7815 112th Street, Delta
A Note From Leah
Welcome back to the season of school and fall and an election and falling mortgage rates… and growing inventory.
One of the things I LOVE to do is educate people on how selling a home works. My philosophy is, if you know how it’s done, then you can be in control and custody of your outcomes. If as “partners” in your sale, we both do what we said we’d do, you’ll be able to move on with your plans in a time, and at an amount, that will see you be successful as defined by you.
My job is really to help you understand your choices and the WHYs behind them. What is the likely outcome of your choice? How likely are you to be successful? What are you risking? It’s like a giant SWOT analysis (remember that one? strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat). I feel like I spend a lot of time going into the individual threats without talking about the opportunity.
The opportunity now is for the move-up buyer. People who have an “affordable” property that is still selling relatively quickly in the market, so that they can buy a “less-affordable” property that isn’t selling as quickly in the market. Expensive properties fall in value FIRST. You will make more money on your sale and save more money on your purchase (based on ratios). Other options can include downsizing and that is a little harder direction right now. Your current home may not have held its value in this market as well as some of the townhomes you may be interested in. There are options, but you may not like them, for example, tandem parking or neighbourhoods that are farther away from your preferred area.
These are examples of opportunities and weaknesses that are part of the decision-making process. I am your consultant in figuring out if the opportunity (for example, moving closer to the grandkids) is greater than the weakness. Let’s run through the variables together so you can make a balanced decision.
Life is about choices, let’s pick the good ones.

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